This site has a lot of useful information on it about mounting samba CIFS as supported by the Belkin N+:
The problem
The Belkin is named "BELKIN N+" which includes a space which breaks many of the linux UI/command line tools.
Details you need:
- YOUR_ROUTER_IP - the IP address you've assigned to your router
- YOUR_ROUTER_LOCAL_DOMAIN - the domain under LAN > LAN Settings on router
- YOUR_DRIVE_NAME - the name of your connected drive (in my case FreeAgent)
Install smb4k then you can mount using the relevant details, but you need to manually mount as the spaces prevent the browser working. Add with the following:
- Share: //BELKIN N+/FreeAgent
To mount ad-hoc use:
sudo mount -t cifs -o guest,ip=
- The quotes are needed due to spaces in the server and if your drive's name has space in it.
- Remember to create /media/FreeAgent with 777 permissions.
You need to add this into /etc/fstab (sudo gedit /etc/fstab). As you cannot put quotes around command line instructions you need to replace spaces with "\040" instead:
//BELKIN\040N+/FreeAgent /media/FreeAgent/ cifs guest,ip=YOUR_ROUTER_IP
- _netdev is important as it waits until network is ready before mounting the drive.
- To unmount cleanly on shut down, you need to run the following
sudo update-rc.d -f remove
sudo update-rc.d stop 15 0 6 .